Outstanding Teaching Assistant Programme Train the Trainer (OTAP TTT)

Session Times

Session 127th February 2024; 3.30pm - 5.30pm
Session 24th March 2024; 3.30pm - 5.30pm


The OTAP enables classroom support staff to become more reflective, confident and creative through gaining a deeper understanding of classroom pedagogy.  They develop the attributes to make a significant impact on the relationships with both pupils and colleagues.

This train the trainers programme consists of 2 focused sessions with a series of post session challenges, completed within one week.  The sessions are 2 hours each and are run in twilight sessions. The programme has been designed for delivery online.

As an existing accredited OLEVI Facilitator having already completed the OFP, full attendance at this programme will accredit you to be an OLEVI Facilitator of the Outstanding Teaching Assistant Programme.


We're sorry, but all tickets sales have ended because the event is expired.


Venue Phone: 01689 482851


The online joining instructions will follow near to the start date of the programme.