What is goal setting to you? When you set goals, are you used to seeing them disappear in the rear-view mirror? I am willing to bet if you are reading this page, you have set a goal or two in your life. But did you see them through?

You are much more likely to put time and energy into something that excites you, so your goals must reflect that same level of momentum. Think of a goal as a dream with a deadline. Now all we have to do is create a blueprint to achievement.


  • Perform a brainstorming session. Give yourself six minutes to brainstorm a list of anything you’d like to achieve, create, do, have, give and/or experience in the next 20 years. Write as many things down as fast as you can in this time.
  • Refine your goals. Setting deadlines is crucial to the goal-setting process. Go back through your list and write one, three, five, 10 or 20 years next to each goal to indicate how long it will take to achieve them.
  • Review your list. Go over what you’ve written. Choose your top four one-year goals. These are goals that truly excite you. Write a paragraph for each goal explaining why you will absolutely achieve this goal within the next 12 months.
  • Evaluate your goals. Are your goals specific? Measurable? Achievable? Realistic? Do they have a specific timeframe? You set SMART goals with purpose and intention, making them more concrete and easier to achieve.


Learning how to set goals is worthless if you don’t learn how to achieve goals. Set yourself up for success by following these tips.

    1. Visualise accomplishing your goals. When you visualise your goals on a daily basis as if you’ve already achieved them, you align your purpose and values with your actions.
    2. Share your goals. Find a friend, family member or another person you trust and share your list of goals with them. You can also share the list with a mentor or coach. Sharing your list will make you more accountable and give you a partner who will work with you through frustrations or roadblocks. The right partner can help you stay on track.
    3. Keep your goals visible. Where focus goes, energy flows, so it’s critical to focus on your goals. Tape them on the mirror in your bathroom or pin them to the wall next to your computer. If your goals involve adopting a healthy diet and losing weight, put them on the front of your refrigerator or a kitchen cabinet.
    4. Regularly review your goals. Have a set schedule to review both short- and long-term goals. This helps you track progress as well as determine what activities are helping you and which are hindering you. It’s important to know when alterations to your course are necessary: Stay flexible and make changes where necessary.